Numerical analysis of vortex structures in active matter
Authors: Belyaev A.N. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #9(62)/2021 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2021-9-736 | |
Category: Physics | Chapter: Mathematical physics |
Keywords: numerical modeling, active matter, turbulence, reverse cascade, enlargement of structures, particles in gas, nonlinear dynamics, energy spectra |
Published: 20.09.2021 |
By means of mathematical modeling the author studied the features of the development of vortex structures formed by the action of the Stokes force from the side of self-propelled active particles immersed in a liquid. A two-phase model is proposed, within which the carrier medium is a continuum, and each particle obeys the given laws of motion. Based on the simulation results analysis, it can be concluded that at the initial moment of time, the main part of the flow kinetic energy falls on the scale corresponding to the average distance between microparticles, and at the decay stage — to the characteristic size of vortex structures developing on the scale of the region of particle motion. The effect of the reverse cascade was also discovered, which consists in the fact that the vortex structures become larger as a result of interaction with each other.
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