Single-joint spherical pendulum mathematical modeling in cartesian coordinate system
Authors: Zaika V.V., Maslennikov A.L. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #1(42)/2020 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2020-1-566 | |
Category: Mechanics | Chapter: Biomechanics |
Keywords: spherical pendulum, mathematical spherical pendulum, physical spherical pendulum, dissipation, modeling, mathematical model, numerical ODE integration, Runge-Kutta method |
Published: 24.01.2020 |
Mathematical model of the n-link spherical pendulum could be used as a mathematical model of different technical systems, including biotechnical systems. Mathematical or physical spherical pendulum model could be used in different problems. In this paper the derivation of mathematical models of the mathematical and the physical single-joint spherical pendulum in spherical coordinate system is shown. Two cases are considered for both systems: without and with dissipation. Numerical simulation is realized utilizing explicit Runge-Kutta 4-th order method.
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