Development and research of the submersible mechanisms motion control system in the vertical plane. Synthesis of the contour of the submersible mechanisms depth control system
Authors: Gostilovich S.O. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #11(28)/2018 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2018-11-400 | |
Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Robots, Mechatronics, and Robotic Systems |
Keywords: submersible mechanisms, mathematical model, trim, immersion depth, vertical motion, linearized model, feedbacks, harmonic linearization, transfer function, self-oscillation, residual buoyancy |
Published: 12.11.2018 |
In this paper on the basis of a simplified mathematical model and previously synthesized control loop trim angle made control circuit depth of the submersible mechanisms. The author showed the process of occurrence in the system of self-oscillations in the synthesis of the control loop depth of the submersible mechanisms on the linearized model. The author determined with the help of harmonic linearization methods, the causes of self-oscillations are revealed, and the condition of their absence. The paper analysis the influence of the structure of the contour of the trim and the contour of the depth of immersion, as well as the effect of continuous nonlinearities of the system on the occurrence of self-oscillations. The paper deals with the usefulness of the subsequent correction of the system parameters by simulation. It is reported that the results of simulation of the obtained system taking into account nonlinearities, perturbations and non-zero residual buoyancy under various driving forces are presented.
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